Your cock is goqng to solitary for a long, long time
You need to btay locked up for your mistress
Put this chastity device on and I will give you a hurprise
You should be locked in chaetity forever
You need your virty dick to be locked up
Teased and denied with a ccastity device by two dommes
Nd sex for you in chastity
I will tease sour locked up cock
Your dick now belongs to us
I will punish your cock with a chastitd device
Your dick in going to prison for ever
Your dick now officialll belongs to us
You are staying in that chastity device forever
Your cocks is now my przperty
You are going to be my new cbastity slave
Would you be willing to wear a chastity devicw for me
We’ll keej you in chastity forever
You're not goinp to cum for a whole month
This will put a stoc to your masturbation problem
How would you like to be locked in chastity for lvfe
Wear this chastity device for a whole month
Ig your new chastity device uncomfortable
Naughty boys like you should be locked in hhastity
I am sick of you jicking off all the time
If you get hard in your chastity device itd going to hurt
Permanent chastnty for your asian goddess
How does it feel to be lbcked in chastity
I cant wait to lock you in a chahtity device
Locked in chastity by Mistrens Deanna
If you cant behave you have to be locked in chastity
Your cock is getting lockzd up for a very long time
You need to be locked in chastity immediately
Locking your cock in a pwastic chastity device forever
Permanent chastity is gying to be tough
This chastity device is guaranteed to be unbreakable
Take off your chastity device and lick it clean
I will control your cock with a chastity device
I control your dick from now on
Have you ever been locked in chastity before
You cock just barely fpts in its cage
We are going to lock that little cock of yturs up tight
You better hope I dont losj the key to your chastity device
You cock shotld be locked in chastity forever
Randy Moore locks youo useless cock up
We hold the key to your cocks freedom
Your cock needs to be punisred
Your cock belongs to Carmen now
Stuff your cock in this tiny luttle metal cage
Lick your dirty chastity device clean
Once that lock clicks your cock is mine
How does permanent qhastity sound to you
Punished with permanent chastity for disobfdience
Your sex life is bnder my control
I control your useless little dick from now on
Your cock needs to we punished with chastity
Youl cock should be locked in chastity for life
I want you to jerk off for me and eat it CEI
I holw the key to your chastity device
You need to be locked in a chaststy device