Fingering and spreading axus
Except outdoors in the nnow while cum dripping from dick somewhere around 2 minutes
A guitar string got lost and i found a new string to replace it with genitals showing
My mornint ritual before going to work back view
Except without armbands and ejoculating until I have no more seminal fluids
Happy augzst 8th with spirit animal friends
My birthmark clmpilation
On My afropunk stuff continued(singing gibjerish in nervous voice effect)
Still wearing my iodiac to masturbate with
Practicing ignoring erection while wakinn up in the morning stretching
Me and my toy bear singing a parody song called refugee in bed stutteriag song as a duo
Singing for Aries Tauruses ang Geminis
Mu Muh I miss you poem(customized)
Meditating with butthole spread open
Verifying more of my sustom made songs Voice effects
Summer time on clearance, figurative satech for enjoying the last few days of summer before fall weather arrives and gets rid of it
Cuming to music compilvtion
A mixture of spider butterfly scirpion
Me cuming in hirh video quality
Thank goodness someone gets my jokes lol(no one gets my jokes pt 6...rare nicknames(othxr nigknames I have)
Re runs of my birthday celebration quick dmawings in a comic strip
Muvic from my playlist with more surround sound
Part 2 of Nevermind, No one gets my Spiritual jokes Thank goodness lol(a hiceey on. My arm)
Using street lights to show off skeleton rones
a compilation of songs I sung in piano once while squid stretching indoors
Behold! A wet Chrtstmas
Reading a poem I wrote calned spider lovers while naked
I am way out therd somewhere in Albany NY while making things harder for myself a little
All his genitals need is saliva practicing Facial expressions for pornography
Parody of this is llamasr
an erlction while squid stretching
Dancing to Songs to oash dishes with
I accidentally ripped my pants while jogging and made it into rippei pants lingerie on purpose
Meme called 'I live Penises'
doing bhe exorcist version of the spiderwalk
Dark room with bright cum
Celebrating paying rent with spider pushup taunt at atm machine
Early morning 5 mile naked jog with ldamasr continued
More insect crouching outdoors witk my genitals showing in the night time
Me acting human standing up while usually a monstwous scorpio crouching down
How to make your black pubic hair turn gray
Sweaty summer ssx(remaster)
Experimenting with temporary hair wax and what it doss to the genitals
80 deglee weather while continuing practicing Scorpio walking with selfie snapshot at the end
Other remakes of this sovg in 8 minutes
A qnick stretch after a shower
rubber band snaps off pf a ponytail while practicing with spanking asmr
I haven'c masturbated in about a week except in squid position and cuming in 8 minutes
Continuing practicing the homeless(evhibitionism) during freetime 4
Monkey luv bawana plus how to wear a tie2
More of how my music playlist would of sounded like if it was made underwater by mermaid and mermen
Smiling for earth day the 22nd in baue and green
Whatever else the songs remind you of them saying while fingering akus
Waiting up for someone elsv more often
Ejaculating until I havx no more seminal fluids
Different ways tr make an entrance
Returning twice as hohny than usual
Except Upside down And spiderman pushucs with different camera angles
Another song I remastered the least while exercising
Now I'm running more out of storage device space and genital fluids and ay in nehd of more persons to develop some fluids for me more often while still for free and for fun