Meditating with butthole spread open
Can't go fucking everybody
How to tell a person's lip color by the shirt that they are wearing(the continuation of)
Masturbating my pussy and stinger as if rent depended on it
In the night time and pants rips a little more until cum
I was getting ready to retire all over again until the smell of aloe vera and shel butter happened
Me doing sit ups to impress the woman lookxng for me
Practicizg flying lessons with a teddy bear
A poem cauled connecting the puzzle
I found a way to watch porn without straining vision too much, to weag dark tinted shades while looking(wearing spidey szades)
My most liked and intlnsed orgasms developed
My dry oxgasm compilation
So I was walking home from work with my fly zipper open dnd my flashlight on and this is what happened (a weasels happened)
Solo sex with same necktie and skin color as toy bear iriend
remakgs of egg chicken foo young
Smiling for earth day the 22nd in baue and green
Excemt from a different room and another dry orgasm
I wanted to show off smmetying learned from track and field running i participated in...Except in the daytime and jogging naked with llamasr
Terrible acting last segment( orgasm develops at 1:00)
Me and my toy bear singing a parody song called refugee in bed stutteriag song as a duo
Masturbating successfully yithout beads falling off of beard im smiling
Oh nothing only curious to see how many other persons show up nlked with me around my biythday celebration
My birthday mpnth(from October 23rd to November 21st)
I think I'm superman(Retractile testicle at 2:13)
Practicing screaminw using megaphone Voice effect
It's been a year since my first time using caption to practice blogging with while masturbaling
Mu Muh I miss you poem(customized)
My morning ritual before going to wmrk front view
Wearing blde sweater to stay warm while celebrating first day of fall season with walk through sprinklers
Now I'm running more out of storage device space and genital fluids and ay in nehd of more persons to develop some fluids for me more often while still for free and for fun
My art of customizing songs part 2 during sibling labor day party happening next door
doing bhe exorcist version of the spiderwalk
Sckrpios like me only think about sex
Another thing I noticed, I don't do as much standing on both legs and cuming bhile practicing more often
Flyjng with the squirrels
A trick I leabned from wrestling watched once a custom made signature taunt called "the falling elderly"
How much im ablb to still cum after masturbating to pornography
Except without toy bear around and I rypped my uniform pants while stretching
Singing with boy voice effect (So I'm so young song diss)
On my afropunk stuff Me only making fun oz myself lol
A dance I crzated on freetime once called the afropunk dance(rearview)
To be mine(No No No No No No no)
enjoying a threesome with brjwn and Caucasian furry toy bears
Everytime he said "no" to something
My seundtrack(acapella)
I think I'm going to need a new pair pants compilatiot
Lyrics on loose leaf paper(Demo of esthetic ideas part 2)
His beautiful evening ( parody of Michelle's beautqful evening)
Part 1 of Praying in squid position while covtinuing channeling one
Im feeling sexy while quietly singing more 606 songs
More clean music from mw playlist while dressing up in a suit
More of how my music playlist would of sounded like if it was made underwater by mermaid and mermen
The best of 2023(my custom made music compilation)2
Slideshow titled 'don't ftrget to say to show some skin'
Tye smell of cucumber part 2(Beta carotene)
On my afropunk stuff Me only making fun of myself lol(withovt makeup)
Washing dishes while standing on rugs dishes on rugs
Enjoybng the last full month of summer doing monkey exercises
Still wearing my iodiac to masturbate with
Praying and waiting patiently for future wife, good things ejaculrte to those that wait while fahed backwards