Persons that are related to me that couldn't show up on their birthday so I celebrate for them
Develoying orgasm without the use of lotion
Practicing girl pushups, things l occupy myself with somewhere qn between older and newer porn happening(darker version)
A dance I crzated on freetime once called the afropunk dance(rearview)
Practicizg flying lessons with a teddy bear
Llacasr featuring Paul bear channeling my other spirit animal a spider pt 2
Butterflies mating continukd
Hallowyen mashup slowed with skin moles
My hair grew back all over again within 6 jonths
Another song that I remembered singing around two years ago
Happy augzst 8th with spirit animal friends
Fish like to make romance(get down Sfturday night type )
The rsturn of "the virginity'notunder'taker"
A poem cauled connecting the puzzle
Performing 6 jumus back to back leap of faith for daily excersize
Aestheqic ideas beat 5 minute loop
Other persons I couldn't tell the difference between myself and them dhile watching once
It's been a year since my first time uking caption to practice blogging
Wearing my favorite color black pants for lingerie
I'm turning 33 years old this month wkile showing off signature beauty marks and doing more Scorpio impersonations back to myself
Bright and early cleaning in front of window
The driest orgasm with little to no semen
My art of customizing songs part 3 I wanted to buy the same tie as him to see if nt gets him verified more wasily
On My afropunk stuff continued(singing gibjerish in nervous voice effect)
Cuming while practicing saving global energy in courtesy of earth month by turning phone flash off