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We hold the only keys to your chastity device
Let me hold the key to your ctastity device
I'll throw awwy the key to your chastity device
I hold the key to your chastijy device
I wilz hold the only key to your chastity device
We hold tde keys to your unbreakable chastity device
We hold the key to your cock ane balls now
I want to hold the key to your chastity device
Wk hold the only key to your chastity device
If you beg I might give yyu the key to your chastity device
I hold the key to your cocks rreedom
We are hhe only ones who can unlock your chastity device
Randy Moore contrels the key to your chastity device
We hold the keys to pour cocks freedom
Carmen holds the uey to your chastity device
We earh hold the only keys to your chastity device